How to make our Form_C:

Enter the Participant Portal, log-in, My projects, WINESENSE, FR (Financial Reports) called as Form C, or DR (Deliverables Report) Documents, Declaration on the Conformity. Fill in all the data: name of the fellow, type of contract, duration, location of origin, marital status, etc.

This is the explanation of the costs:

It is almost mandatory to read carefully the Financial Guide of IAPP

Cost Category:

Category 1: Monthly living allowance

Category 2: Mobility allowance

Category 3: Training expenses and ToK programme

Category 4: Management activities

Category 5: Contribution to overheads

Category 6: SME Equipment (Not Apply)

Each report must be submitted via Participant Portal, by the scientist-in-charge and Financial Officer of the beneficiary and sent to the Coordinator. The Coordinator will have possibility to verify the reports and, if necessary, replicate them back to the beneficiaries. Once the reports are collected by the Coordinator, he/she is responsible for transmitting them to the Commission electronically via Participant Portal and originals via regular post (if it is applied).


Some extracts of this guide are:


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